Problems with the student forum

Problems with the student forum

by Cathy Hayward -
Number of replies: 0

Hi everyone, I'm aware there have been problems with the student forum (the Moodle platform) over the past week or so. I've raised these with the person who manages the platform and it seems it was a mix of issues: increased server load which caused the web server to slow up and badly lock up entirely a couple of times. When he upgraded the server to solve the first issue, he failed to test the out-going emails. This was then sorted which resulted in many of you receiving a backlog. 

I'm really sorry that many of you were affected by this. I've been assured the upgrade means this won't happen again, but if you do experience any issues, please let me know directly ( so I can get them sorted. 

Thanks so much for your patience during a rather trying time. 
